From Lodi we rode to Piacenza (twelve Miles further) an antient Epifcopal City belonging to the Duke of Рarmа, and fituate on the Rivers Po and Trebia, in the moft fertile and pleafant part of Italy. It's fortify'd with a ftrong Wall, Trench, and Citadel ; but the Buildings have nothing extraordinary, excepting the Duke's Palace. In the great Church, the Chappels of S. Corrado and Alexis are curioufly painted by Lanfranco, and the curious Picture of S Martin is by Ludovico Carache. In the Quire of the Benedictines Church, we admired a rare piece of the divine Raphael Vrbin, reprefenting the B. Virgin with Little Jefus, S. Barbara, and others. In the Parochial Church of S. Nazario, we remark'd an extraordinary Work which reprefents S. Michael, painted by Lanfranco. . .
The City is about four Miles in compafs. The Fountain in the Piazza was firft erected by Caefar Auguftus ; and the Statua Equeftris is fet up in memory of Alexander I. Duke of Parma and Piacenza. The Pafture of the adjoyning Territory is efteem'd the beft in Italy, where the Cheefe is much the fame with that of Parma. Here are like-wife divers Springs of Salt water, from which they make very fine Salt.
We faw in this City a monftrous Child, the Son of one Pietro Antonio Configlio, of the City of Bifceglia, in the Province of Apulea. His Face, Hands and Feet were fair and well proportion'd ; but all the reft of his Body, from the Neck downwards, was of a dark Colour, with white Spots intermix'd, and in divers parts cover'd with a hard, callous, and fcaly Subftance, like that of divers Fifh : But, what is yet more ftrange, this Child has fo natural a defire of throwing himfelf into the Water, that fuch as have him under their Care, are very cautious of giving him the leaft
Occafion. This Prodigy, or rather Error of Nature, is afcrib'd to the force of his Mother's Imagination, who, before and after the time of her Conception, went often to the Sea-fide to take the frefh Air, where fhe faw divers Tortoifes, and other Fifh, fporting on the Water, and brought on Shore by the Fifher men, which imprinted fo ftrong and confus'd an Idea in her Intellect as ran conftantly in her mind, and could not be remov'd 'till the time of her Delivery.
The City is about four Miles in compafs. The Fountain in the Piazza was firft erected by Caefar Auguftus ; and the Statua Equeftris is fet up in memory of Alexander I. Duke of Parma and Piacenza. The Pafture of the adjoyning Territory is efteem'd the beft in Italy, where the Cheefe is much the fame with that of Parma. Here are like-wife divers Springs of Salt water, from which they make very fine Salt.
We faw in this City a monftrous Child, the Son of one Pietro Antonio Configlio, of the City of Bifceglia, in the Province of Apulea. His Face, Hands and Feet were fair and well proportion'd ; but all the reft of his Body, from the Neck downwards, was of a dark Colour, with white Spots intermix'd, and in divers parts cover'd with a hard, callous, and fcaly Subftance, like that of divers Fifh : But, what is yet more ftrange, this Child has fo natural a defire of throwing himfelf into the Water, that fuch as have him under their Care, are very cautious of giving him the leaft
Occafion. This Prodigy, or rather Error of Nature, is afcrib'd to the force of his Mother's Imagination, who, before and after the time of her Conception, went often to the Sea-fide to take the frefh Air, where fhe faw divers Tortoifes, and other Fifh, fporting on the Water, and brought on Shore by the Fifher men, which imprinted fo ftrong and confus'd an Idea in her Intellect as ran conftantly in her mind, and could not be remov'd 'till the time of her Delivery.
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