Monday, April 27, 2009

from Travels through Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and Sicily by Friedrich Leopold graf zu Stolberg, 1796

LETTER XXXVIII.Parma, 19th November 1791.... On the 16th in the forenoon, we travelled to Placenza. The country between Milan and Lodi was every where one continued level. The horned cattle were all of a dark red colour. I have no where in Italy feen any motley coloured cattle. The fheep are large, entirely white, and with hanging ears. The fwine are all black, like the. Indian hen.We croffed the Po over a bridge of boats ; beyond which the town rofe, with a noble afpect. It was from its charming fituation, on the banks of this broad river, that the Romans gave it the name of Placentia. ...Placenza, as a city, is not fo beautiful as its fituation would promife ; when we view it from the Milan fide of the Po. It rather appears in ablate of decay.

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