Sunday, October 19, 2008

from Travels of the late Charles Thompson esq., Vol. I, 1744

From Cremona we had fifteen Miles to Piacenza, or Placentia, fo call'd from its pleafant Situation, in a fruitful Plain, about half a Mile from the Po. It is a Bifhop's See, and has an ancient Cathedral, the Infide of which is well adorn'd. The Streets are broad, the Buildings regular, and the Squares fpacious; particularly that which has an Equeftrian Statue of Alexander I, Duke of Parma and Piacenza, in the Middle of it. We fee here a Fountain, which is much admir'd for its Antiquity, fuppofed to have been erected by Augustus Caesar. Here is alfo a Palace belonging to the Dukes of Parma. The City is wall'd round, has a ftrong Citadel, and other Fortifications. It is not populous; and its Trade confifts chiefly in Cheefe, being furrounded with the richeft Paftures, water'd with numerous Rivulets.

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